Don’t Under-Estimate the Importance of Improving Your Website's Conversion Rates (CRO)

Getting more of the visitors to your website to convert into customers will ensure that your website works for you.

You’ve already invested in marketing which is driving traffic to your website, so converting more website visitors into customers costs little and significantly improves the return (ROI) from your marketing.

You should see that improving conversion rates is a profit multiplier:

Your revenue = your visitor numbers x your conversion rate x the lifetime customer value

Websites need to be customer-focused and customer-optimized to win.

Learn more from my article, Improving Conversion Rates is a No Brainer.

Suggestions on How to Improve Your Website’s Conversion Rates

  1. You may be able to increase your home page, or landing page’s, conversion rates by over 50% by improving some of these components..: Value proposition (USP); strapline; headline; introductory offer; guarantee; pictures; readability and clarity of messages; usability and navigation; Pricing; testimonials; calls to action; phone number prominence; percentage of abandoned baskets; returns policy.
  2. It often makes more sense to get your current website working properly rather than invest in a new website. That’s what leading ecommerce businesses do – they make lots of incremental improvements. Think Facebook, Amazon…
  3. Ensure your website designer has put enough thought into the functional aspects of your website, as well as your broader digital marketing. Too many web designers do not, unfortunately.
  4. Use a scientific approach to web design with A/B testing, using a free tool like Google Optimize. Ensure Google Analytics is properly set up, including goals.
  5. Do user tests to improve the work flows – this is easy to do and a great approach for small businesses and start-ups.
  6. Add chat to respond quickly to customer queries.
  7. Improve the clarity of the content on your website – learn to write clearly, in brief, and for websites. Create a clear value proposition.
  8. Ensure your website communicates trust instantly, within 8 seconds.
  9. Improve your approach to pricing and use pricing psychology cleverly.
  10. Review the presentation of your products and services. Ensure they are well ‘productized’ and packaged up so they are easier to sell.

You might be interested in my articles 10 Practical Tips on Improving Website Conversion Rates.

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